Thursday, March 24, 2005


Elephant Mess #14 is out now....featuring the careful writings of a dissenchanted romantic and the musings, ramblings and inner thoughts of an aging zinester: steeped in mystery and clouded by disillusionment.
Order yours today:
$1, stamps or trade.
orders receive a free button.
paypal payments accepted.
Dan Murphy, PO Box 6352, Boise ID 83707

Friday, March 11, 2005

Fork 'n Spoon Zine Shop

This is a link to Stephanie's new site for her zine and craft distro dealing with all things food related, mostly having to do with the vegetarian/vegan and diy lifestyle. She also does several zines, one of which is called "The Cheap Vegan" - for veggies on a budget. Order some food zines and cook your own food -- It's punk rock!!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

It's a war on war

Check out this fake news article found in this weeks online edition of The Onion:

Bush Announces Iraq Exit Strategy: 'We'll Go Through Iran'
WASHINGTON, DC—Almost a year after the cessation of major combat and a month after the nation's first free democratic elections, President Bush unveiled the coalition forces' strategy for exiting Iraq.

read the whole article

Sunday, March 06, 2005


I guess it's time that I officially announce the name change of my publishing company. About a year ago I chose the name Family Geek Press which was also in replacement of an older name, but this time I believe I have chosen a name that's finally going to stick. Everything that I publish from here on out will be put out under the name, Juniperbug Productions.
I have big plans for my production company, some of which are: a zine/book distro, short films, publishing other people's stuff and putting out music. These are all still in the planning process though, so don't expect anything major to happen anytime soon. Just know that The Family Geek Press is dead; Juniperbug Productions is alive. New issues of Elephant Mess and The Juniper are in the works and back issues are still available. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Genetically Krafted

If you're not down with genetically modified food or if you're at all skeptical or curious, you should check out this link:
It's an entertaining little cartoon about Kraft Foods' decision to test the effects of genetically modified food on its customers, namely, You & I. It's risky I tell you, and it just ain't right...but don't take my word for it - form your own opinion.
oh yeah and...GO ORGANIC!