Saturday, February 06, 2010

"all my blood will spring and spill"

sudden death semantics
Originally uploaded by juniperbug
My friend, Maaike, and I made a zine. We've been talking about it for more than a year now. The delay was my fault. I blame it on a very intensive publishing schedule that I set for myself last year. The important thing is that we got it done, and now it's yours for the taking. It's called Sudden Death Semantics. It's a one-shot zine of random words, collage art, cutting and pasting, and most importantly a short story by Maaike called Seedling, which alone makes this zine worth getting your hands on. We're only asking for a buck or trade or a few stamps. If interested, order directly from me as I have most of the stock and Maaike and I are seperated by about 2,000 miles. But do check out Maaike's blog regardless:

Dan Murphy
PO Box 363
Edwardsville IL 62025

So, the other day I was going through some old stuff and I came across an entry that I wrote in my "Personal Daily Writing" journal for my high school English class. I thought maybe you'd enjoy reading it as much as I did.

March 16, 1995
"Create a Magical Scene in your head. Create a fantasy world where all dreams come true and whatever you want you can have. Then change it. Change it to a crappy world where everything is dirty, old, run down. You don't get what you want. Die."

I guess that's how I viewed life back then. It's funny because my view really hasn't changed much in 15 years. I've just grown to accept it.