Monday, February 28, 2005

Live Journaling Sellout

I went ahead and followed the crowd and got a livejournal account. Not that anyone will want to or will ever read it...but crap man, I just feel like I'm slipping into non-existence here losing connection with everyone, and if I don't do something quick I'm just going to disappear completely - fall right off the face of the earth.
Come to think of it, maybe I should be working on tangible relationships with people who I can actually see and talk to face to face rather than penpals and online friends, but you know me, ever the social outcast (mostly on purpose).
So, if you'd like to check out my livejournal site (which will be much like this one) go to:
And if I never get around to adding any indymedia news to this blog then just go check it out for yourself at:

Regarding my zines, and yes I do real zines, you can order them through paypal ( if you'd like. Just put a dollar or two into my paypal account and I'll send you a stack of zines - email = I am currently working on Elephant Mess #14 which should be out in about a month. Personal is pathetic. Thanks for staring at a computer screen.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Hill's Farmers Market

I told you I was going to post the address to this awesome farmers market in the Boise area, so here it is:
4380 East Fairview just past the Cloverdale intersection as your leaving Boise and entering Meridian. Seriously if you live in the area or if you're passing through you should stop by and check it out. I'm sure Doug and Co. would be happy to show you around.

I'm thinking of posting some news from on here to keep y'all informed. I seem to be turning into a news junkie these days....though I guess we'll see how long it lasts. If any of you have any objections to this, let me know. Also, anyone who actually reads this thing please post a comment or something and let me know. I highly doubt I have many (if any) readers. Of course, I didn't start this thing so that I could be on here every day rambling on for the world to read. It's more of a sporadic thing mostly to help get the word out about my print zines. E-zines and weblogs order some paper zines, man. If you don't want to send for mine, at least send for some one else's. Support the underground press. Speaking of which, I'm planning on starting a zine distro. My main focus will be zines about gardening, biking, cooking, doing-it-yourself and living sustainably so if you do a zine like that or if you're interested in helping out OR if you just want to tell me to not even bother and just go on with my dull and mundane existence like nothing happened then get in touch with me. My email address and po box are posted elsewhere on this blog, so what are you waiting for? Get involved!

Friday, February 18, 2005

Sorry for apologizing

I'm sorry about that last posting. I know that nobody wants to hear me ramble on - complaining about the depressing mess that my life is. I should consider my audience a little more before I go and bravely click on that bright orange 'Publish Post' button at the bottom of the page. But does this weblog even have an audience really? I didn't think so.
The new issue of Zine World (#22) showed up in my mail box today. Included inside was a review of my zine Elephant Mess #11 which I had sent them almost a year ago. Here's a sampling of the review: "Dan must be one of the most depressed people in the universe...While sometimes visually striking, overall this was really too much of a downer to be enjoyable."
Now I know for sure that people don't want to read 'depressing junk'.

I wish I had an odometer on my bike. Today I rode out to Hill's Farmer's Market on Fairview Ave. in Meridian. It didn't seem to take me that long to get there (even after making a couple of stops) but then as I turned around to head back I realized that I had been kindly helped out by a mild westbound(?) wind and now on my return trip I would have to fight against it. Needless to say, it took me a bit longer to make it back home (especially now that my backpack was full of great Farmer's Market finds). Now my leg muscles are hating me, and I still have to make it through a long nights work washing dishes. Oh well...the ride is always worth it, and if you live in the area, or if you're ever passing through, you should definitely stop by Hill's Farmer's Market (I'll post the address soon). It's worth it just for the friendly service and old country feel (it's housed in an old, renovated barn and a lot of the shelves and baskets are antique and old-fashioned).

Don't mind mind just slipped.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Cheating Is The New Faithful

There is nothing much to say except that I am tired. Tired of working all the time just to barely scrape by. Tired of school even though I'm only in my first year. Tired of not being able to spend my time doing all the things that I really want to be doing. Tired of having a head full of ideas but not knowing where to begin or how to start. Tired of not having the time to figure everything out. Tired of being tired and worn out. Tired of having no one to talk to - to unload all of my thoughts on. Tired of feeling empty - like there's nothing that's tangible in my life, nothing real (everything is fake). Tired of not being able to see all of my dreams realized immediately - or even see a logical or obvious path leading to their eventual realization. Tired of mundane life rituals and mere nuanced days (as in, every day is the same regardless). Mostly, I'm just tired of being alone.
Write to me please.
Order my won't regret it - and if you do regret it, at least it won't be comparable to your other regrets cuz heaven knows that we're all drowning in a pool of them.

Do you ever feel like you're on the verge of a nervous breakdown or that you could pass out completely at any given moment and it wouldn't even matter?
until next time... ... Happy Fat Tuesday!