Saturday, July 17, 2010

"alone and lonely aren't the same thing"

Today I discovered that, embarrassingly enough, when I collated the latest issue of The Juniper (#13), I had one of the pages backwards. I'm not sure how many of them went out this way, but by my estimation it was a few dozen. Sorry about that. I'm sure that anyone who read it figured it out and if nothing else found it humorous, but it's an embarrassment nonetheless. I usually try very hard to make certain that there are no mistakes. I'm kind of anal-retentive in that way. Oh well, I guess it just proves my human-ness. However, this isn't nearly as embarrassing as when I locked myself out of my apartment wearing nothing but a towel (a story for another time), so at least there's that.


Mindy said...

i've done the towel thing too- no worries- it happens to the best of us.

Maaike said...

Every human does something embarrassing. Usually lots of somethings embarrassing.

Erica & Emily said...

In my digital publishing class I did the same thing

Laura-Marie said...

I got one of the special copies!